Vital Records


The registrar is responsible for recording, issuing and forwarding information on births and deaths occuring in this county to the State Department of Health. Certificates issued at the time of birth at the hospital are not considered legal documents.

Our records start from 1882, but due to the 1937 Flood, Tell City records were destroyed. The registrar will assist you in obtaining the record from the State Department of Health.

Requesting Birth or Death Certificates

To request a birth or death certificate, please provide the necessary information listed on the application form.

Birth Certificate Application Form

Death Certificate Application Form

The registrar is state certified to correct a record. The fee for this service is $5.00 in addition to the certificate. Other services offered include Paternity Affidavits, for which $25.00 is charged plus one regular Birth Certificate at $10.00. Birth Certificates are $10.00 (single). Death Certificates are $10.00 and Genealogy is $25.00 per hour (1-hour minimum). Cash or money order only is accepted.


Perry County Health Department
Perry County Registrar

3214 Tell Street # 1
Tell City, IN 47586

Phone: 812-547-2746 X 6
Fax: 812-547-0415

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.